Chiropractic Care may not be your first choice as a healthcare provider when you think about what will help relieve those intrusive
symptoms related to Menopause, but regular adjustments of your spine can have a direct effect on your autonomic nervous system that integrates closely with the hormonal system.
The hormonal system and autonomic nervous system are intricately woven to ensure we react to the many stresses we combat daily. Now throw in the unruly hormonal changes that accompany the normal, but at times lengthy process of Menopause it can become a daunting task just to get through the day with out experiencing; fluctuating emotions, temperature changes, changes in hunger and thirst, and sleep disturbances.
Research from the journal Manual Therapy (2014)[i] reveals compelling evidence that spinal adjustments result in an increase in sympathetic activity reflecting in changes of vasomotor responses like, skin temperature, skin conductance, heart rate and blood pressure. So, by extrapolation it would only make sense that using regular Chiropractic care to manage these vasomotor fluctuations during Menopause would be a welcome addition to any traditional care you may be receiving.
Chiropractic adjustments also help to promote the release of endorphins, also known as "feel good" chemicals, into the bloodstream. Research completed in 2015 linked an increase of specific sleep-related hormones following a spinal adjustment.[ii] Chiropractic improves hormone chemistry throughout the entire body by adjusting misaligned areas of the spine which hinder mobility and nervous system communication. This can help with minimizing the uninterrupted sleep and may prevent early morning waking, which is common in menopausal women.
In addition to spinal adjustments your Chiropractor can advise you on strengthening exercises to combat the sharp decline in estrogen that can lead to bone loss and exacerbate conditions of Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis can cause severe upper back and spinal pain, hip pain, and knee weakness, and it may raise the risk for fractures. A Chiropractor can perform adjustments on your spine to help ease pain, promote circulation, and ease muscle spasms while directing you on safe and proper strengthening exercise program.
Most Chiropractors are well versed in nutrition and can certainly counsel you on phytonutrients (Isoflavones), vitamins (B Vitamins. Vitamin D. Vitamin E. Calcium), better eating practices and plant-derived estrogens (black cohosh etc.) to help manage symptoms of Menopause on bio-molecular level.
Whether your perimenopausal, menopausal or post menopausal having a Chiropractor on your well-care team can aid and assist you to navigate the many physical changes that are accompany symptoms associated with “The Change.”
[i] Kingston, Laura & Claydon, Leica & Tumilty, Steve. (2014). The Effects Of Spinal Mobilizations On The Sympathetic Nervous System: A Systematic Review. Manual Therapy. 19. 10.1016/j.math.2014.04.004. [ii] . Med Hypotheses. 2015 Dec;85(6):819-24. Measurable changes in the neuro-endocrinal mechanism following spinal manipulation. Author: Dr. Thomas Burge, B.Sc., D.C., C.P.N #301 2099 152nd St. South Surrey BC V4A 4N7